May 31st, 2015  Optimism and Hope: My Author Themes
I like stories of resilience, of ordinary people who overcome great odds in order to triumph. Dreary, glass-half-empty writing doesn’t appeal to me as a reader or a writer. I believe in hope and redemption.
An editor who loved a book I pitched asked if I could inject more murder and mayhem. But when I tried, I found myself drifting to the romance, the woman who rose above her restrictive circumstances, then faced the dilemma: fame and fortune or true love?
I like writing about strong, empowered women. Women who are tempted by
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May 30th, 2015  My Review of Across The Pond by Michael McCormick
I gave this Book 5 of 5 stars on Amazon and Goodreads
I was awed by Michael McCormick’s stunning novella, which is based on his experience in Vietnam during the Tet offensive in 1968. There is such power and emotion in this simply told story of a young Marine, Sean, or Mac, as he is known in Vietnam.
Gripping, raw, visceral, McCormick assaults your senses, telling the story in a straightforward manner, like the great masters, with showing, never telling, without distracting embellishments and, in McCormick’s own beautiful imagery, like
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May 13th, 2015 
5 of 5 stars on Goodreads and Amazon
I was engaged from the moment I started reading this wonderful debut book from author James Thomson. It is brilliantly written, sophisticated, literate, thought provoking, all the superlatives that can be so dry but in this case apply. The use of first person voice for the protagonists in alternating chapters was pitch perfect, allowing the characters to speak their mind, perhaps trying to influence us to see their
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May 5th, 2015  Enchanting Story, Excellent Writing
I gave this book 5 of 5 stars on Amazon and Goodreads
I loved this romantic comedy by Tracie Banister. She had me hooked from the beginning, pulled into the enchanting world of twin sisters: Willa, the artistic, free spirited pet psychic, and Sloane, the ambitious, nose to the grindstone forensic accountant. I laughed out loud throughout the book—the hysterical scenes and images Banister so deftly painted, the witty musings and inner dialogue of the characters—all were fantastic, original, inventive and so much that I could relate to.
This is a feel good book that evokes
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